The Rear View Mirror ~ 2 Jan 2015

Okay all you Sky Scrapers, you. Are you ready to kick off the new year with insight, aspiration and a plan? Check out the links at the end of this Sky Scraping and book a consultation, order a Galactic Report or a Twin Stars Report, or dive into the Galactic Trilogy CD.

But first, a look in the rear view mirror. When driving forward, it is recommended that one keep an eye on traffic in the rear, thus frequent glances in the rear view mirror ensure safe arrival at ones intended destinations.

As we look ahead to 2015, Jupiter, the benefactor and the big dude who rewards those with goals, plans, and grand aspirations now retrogrades. Jupiter remains in reverse until April 8th. No doubt he has his arm over the seat and head turned toward the direction he proceeds. Oh no, Jupiter is retrograde! Can anything good get done?

In but a few days when Venus and Mercury enter Aquarius, they will join Mars, Nessus and Icarus (who I have included as yet another jetliner mysteriously dropped from the air). The promise of consciousness spreading is there, but it requires individual valuation of such an abstract commodity, communication about such evolutionary concepts and then diligent and dedicated and determined follow through to ensure that all those ferrymen (of which Nessus was one) share your destination of passage. This is a time of great advancement - personally, professionally, purposefully and planetarily - but only for those that get on with it in a graceful Jupiterian, propitiating manner.

Presently, second chance Ixion, propitiating Pholus, the create with song and dance Orcus, temple healer Chariklo and grief relieving Hylonome transit the latter degrees of Jupiter’s signsake, Sagittarius. In fact, all are virtually conjunct the insight rich, concept fulfilling core of our galaxy.

So, those with big ideas benefit and those implementing such big ideas get to kick the can of progress even further down the road.

No new ideas? Not to worry.

Jupiter’s current retrograde position coincides with where he was in mid-November of last year. Did you have any marvelous insights then? Any plans you wanted to kick off but deferred to the new year?

At the end of January Jupiter reviews the degrees he traveled in mid-October. What about back then? Any percolation of progressive insights at that point? If so, get them revisited, refined and redirected.

At the end of February, Jupiter re-transits the degrees he visited in the 3rd week of September. Same drill applies. Review, edit, improve, enhance and get things advancing.

At the end of March and as Jupiter comes up to his early April station, he redirects your attention to things pondered a week to ten days into September of last year. Those ideas, contacts and events were not lost. Reconstruct what happened then, transfer it to now, and advance the causes and agendas seeded all the way back then.

The theme of the first months of 2015: Tarry not. Download the progressive insights magnified by the upcoming Sagittarian and Aquarian stelliums. Wrap around amazing evolutionary insights. Become a beacon of the concepts you’ve downloaded. Engage with life. Engage with Jupiter.

Yes, Jupiter is retrograde. But use the infancy of 2015 to the good. You can enhance, refine, upgrade and improve any given concept as the year matures and your consciousness expands. If you care to reduce the drama that’s in the air out there right now, use the waning energy of Mars opposing Jupiter. Redirecting goals and action minimizes frustration - the underlying seed of the recent lashout bursts that ramped up new year drama. When you emerge victorious and accomplish your objectives, flaunt not. Taunting gets a body penalized in sports and burns bridges in the real world. Be cool. Be helpful. Be part of planetary advancement in 2015.

More soon and in much more detail.

In my town of Tucson, they dropped the taco (really, they did) at midnight during an amazing and most rare snowstorm. That means I’m back at it, writing galore and scheduling sessions. Links below. If I can assist you in getting the year underway, click away!